NY Community Solar: Solar for all!

For renters & homeowners. No rooftop required. Low income customers qualify!

Nothing to install, no fees or deposits and no long term contracts. Simply link your utility account to a nearby Solar Farm, and receive guaranteed savings up to 20% per year on electricity.

What is Community Solar?

Community Solar is enabled by your state’s Renewable Energy Program, which encourages the development of solar farms as a way to meet aggressive clean energy targets over the next few years.

With community solar farms, multiple utility customers can receive bill credits and cost savings for helping green the power grid, including renters and low income customers.

Community Solar is the EASIEST way to go solar, reduce your carbon emissions, and save money.

Current spots available in National Grid, NYSEG, Central Hudson, Orange & Rockland (limited) and Rochester G&E. ConEd in NYC has very limited spots, and we can put customers on a waitlist.

The enrollment form below is for Customers of National Grid and NYSEG. For all other utilities, please email customer support at [email protected] to check availability.

How does it work?

1. Link your utility bill to a solar farm

Connect your existing electric account with a nearby solar farm. You just need a copy of your recent utility bill. Enroll online in under 2 minutes, completely free.

2. Your project generates clean energy

When there is sunshine, the solar project generates power and feeds it into your utility’s grid.

3. Receive solar credits on your utility bill

Your utility bill is credited for the amount of solar energy that was generated for you during this billing cycle, reducing the electric portion you pay the utility (see example below).

4. Pay for your solar credit at a discount

A few weeks after your reduced utility bill arrives, you pay your solar project directly for your solar credits at the guaranteed discount of 10-20% (depending on utility and LMI qualification).

Example Utility Bill with Solar Credits

Sample Utility Bill with Community Solar from Finray Solar

Click image to expand & zoom

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Frequently Asked Questions

Will this ever cost more?

No. Community Solar will never cost more – it is a government ‘sponsored’ program.

How long is the solar credit discount guaranteed for?

By applying for credits from a local solar farm, you can earn bill credits for up to 20 years, which could SAVE YOU THOUSANDS of dollars!

Are there any hidden costs?

No deposits, no monthly fees, no exit fees. Federal and state incentives (ie. your tax dollars!) are provided to solar developers to build these projects – you simply join to reap the benefits. 

What happens if I move?

Let the project developer know ahead of time, so they can true up any credits and see if they can transfer your credits to your new location. If moving to a different state, contact us to see if we have projects in that region.

Save money and the environment

Help fund the building of new solar projects and join us on OUR MISSION to connect 500,000 Americans to clean energy by 2030, enroll today!

Apply for Community Solar Credits

Each solar farm has limited spots based on production capacity, and they fill up quickly!

Still have questions?

Learn more about Finray Solar — WHO we are, WHAT we do, and WHY.

Or, feel free to Contact Us to ASK A QUESTION. We look forward to speaking with you. And we are excited to help you connect your home to a discounted clean source of electricity!