Don’t fall for these 5 community solar myths!
Community solar is gaining traction as a viable alternative to non-renewable energy. The solar energy model offers a more sustainable way for individuals to source energy while saving money and fighting climate change. Although community solar could be part of the solution in our fight to a greener world, it is not widely understood. Common misconceptions of community solar have created reluctance and suspicion. These misguided perceptions are preventing the communities that need it most from benefiting from this innovative and environmentally-friendly method of energy generation.
To clear the air and demystify this concept, here are 5 common myths about community solar and why they are incorrect!
Myth 1: I can’t afford solar – it’s too expensive!
Yes, rooftop solar can be costly. While the cost of solar panels has dropped drastically in the past decade, owning your own can be quite expensive. Community solar does not have the same costs.
States provide incentives to community solar developers through grants. These grants help fund larger solar projects and farms.

Individuals subscribed to a solar project do pay a monthly fee to the solar farms, but the amount paid into the farm is a fraction of the cost of rooftop solar.
The fee customers pay to a community solar project is discounted. On top of that, savings slowly accrue in utility costs, between 5-20% every month thanks to the solar credits applied to customers’ utility bills.
Community solar allows everyone, including lower-income individuals who may not have the financial means to purchase solar panels, to participate in generating greener, cleaner energy.
Myth 2: I need to own a home to benefit from solar
Nope! Anyone can benefit with COMMUNITY SOLAR.
Single family homeowners, condo owners, renters and everyone in between.
Community solar draws power from a designated solar facility and distributes it amongst subscribers through a program called ‘virtual net metering’. This means any structure that utilizes electricity and receives a monthly bill can benefit from a community solar project.
Myth 3: The process to join is too complicated
Making the switch to community solar is extremely simple.
After you subscribe and link your utility bill, you incur no additional costs (and stress) regarding any of the logistics. Finray Solar’s team will do all the work for you.
And if you decide that community solar is actually not the right fit for you, that’s okay. You can opt out completely free of charge.
Myth 4: This won’t help during power outages
Helping during power outages is one of the long term goals in community solar! Through community solar, we’re creating new microgrids of the future, with battery storage as a backup becoming more common place within projects.
With the help of these batteries, along with smart grid technology, when connected to a primary power grid, they will be able to support themselves if the main grid becomes inactive.
Myth 5: Solar is only for folks with money
Not really…
Low-income communities spend a larger portion of their earnings on energy, this is called an “energy burden”. The energy burden of low income households is three times higher than other households in the US, according to a recent study.
Research from the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, shows a quarter of low-income families in America spend more than 15% of their earnings on energy bills alone.

Since these individuals tend to live in homes with outdated systems that are not energy-efficient, they are disproportionately affected by higher energy costs.
Community solar can alleviate this burden by giving low-income communities access to sustainable solar energy while reducing their monthly energy bills.
There is a lot more to community solar than meets the eye! Ready to join us? You can find out more about community solar, how it works, and how to sign up here.
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Go green today and Save from 10-25% each month on your electricity bill.
Available to renters and home owners. Nothing to install on your roof. No long-term contracts, you can cancel at any time. No fees or sign-up costs. Just clean electricity when the sun shines, saving you money every month too!